What do you know about Mexican Cuisine?

What do you know about Mexican Cuisine?

It takes more than recipes or illustrations to understand Mexican Cuisine: its necessary to describe and define the techniques, features and exclusive ingredients. In HABANERO we are ready to do that with you, we also will learn the appreciation of this cuisine, tasting and selection of fermented and distilled beverages, in addition, the perfect pairing of all dishes.

In Mexican Cuisine, it is not the main purpose to use an autochthonous ingredients and exotic flavours as most people think. It consists of original culinary ideas which might seem revolutionary for those who dont know that it has been cooking like this in Mexico for about ten centuries.

Also a very important clue of this cuisine is to adapt and take advantage of certain ingredients in the absence of others. It is worth to mention that Mexican Cuisine is not only recognized all over the world, it also has a great commitment since became the appointment of UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

For those and more reasosns we ve decided to start this culinary journey with you. Here, you will awake something more than your senses. The art of sharing and tasting food, also give us one of the greatest pleasures in life. Locally, we will learn the selection, quality and cleanliness of the products. How to take care and respect our environment inside and outside the kitchen. As well, the services and logistics of the markets with the purpose to find a fair price based on the possibilities of each one.


The basic Mexican diet is composed of corn, beans, squash and chili. Like this, has been used for more than 9000 years through the time. Throughout history, the combination of those products has provided to Mexicans a nutritious and sufficient diet what allows them to conserve health and enough energy to carry out during their daily routines. Food had great importance in the pre-Hispanic Mexico as it has been up until now, not only as a source of energy and a way to appease hunger, it was also used in a religious way, symbolic and medicinal practices.

The basic Mesoamerican diet had a common substrate throughout the country, although it varied due to regional resources, climate and different ethnic groups in the area. Corn, beans, and squash formed what is sometimes called the triad of agriculture in Mexico. These three crops constituted the ancient basic diet and together with chili, are the most important ingredients in the diet nowadays. The prehispanic Indians ate food in small quantities and believed that eating little and working hard was the key to achieving a long life. They ate two or three times a day, according to the possibility of food. In the morning, they used to drink only one cup of hot atole, before starting their workday. The most important meal was at noon with tortillas, salsa, chilis and beans. If there was enough food, they ate again before go to sleep.

Food and drinks were very important elements in the festivities of the pre-Hispanic Mexico. They used to accompany most of the ceremonies, treats and rituals. The food served at parties depended on the type of event, the importance of the party and the resources of the host. The favorite food to offer in a party was corn prepared as a tamale and liquid cocoa like a drink. Each month had a special god. And every festival, they celebrated it with honor. They served the favorite dishes of the god through the whole month sharing them between everyone.

Mexican food as we know and enjoy it nowadays, has the origin in the sixteenth century. Plants and European food were introduced by the conquerors when they arrived in the country in 1519. They combined them food with local products over the years, changed the Mexican diet forever. This culinary exchange between Spain and Mesoamerica was not only an encounter and exchange of food products, its also involved the introduction of new metal culinary utensils, and new techniques for preparing food such as using the oven and grease for frying. Its also required the adoption of European agricultural technology and the use of European weights and measures to buy in the market. The combination of products from both worlds produced a more abundant, more nutritious and more varied diet.



Our recipes are written by a Mexican citizen.


Our lessons are prepared by an expert in Mexican Cuisine.


Only with us you will find 100% support about learning how to cook exquisite dishes with the most ordinary products.

What is unique about Mexican cuisine?


How to understand why do you definitely need to take this course?

  • Food for you is not just a way to satisfy hunger.
  • You know your own worth it and always like to choose the best.
  • You are trying to learn new things and to fill your life with new emotions and tastes.
  • You are constantly developing and looking for a similar environment.

What will you find with us?

  • New knowledge, proven by time and tradition.
  • Support and ambience of people who are ready to develop.
  • Interesting video lessons, with detailed instructions.
  • Original dishes prepared with simple products.
  • Recipes to use anytime.











What is included in the course?

  • 6 video tutorials with explication;
  • Individual feedback on the cooking process and the selection of products;
  • New knowledge, proven by time and tradition.
  • Support and ambience of people who are ready to develop.
  • Original dishes prepared with simple products.
  • Recipes to use anytime.

What will be in the course?

Do all tasks on time.
Share photos of your dishes.
Actively participate in the discussions.
Get discounts and bonuses for the following programs.

I want to participate in the course!
